Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Starting production on film about Old Changi Hospital

Ok, so this is the official blog page for our indy film "Haunted Changi!" We are planning to do extensive coverage of the Old Changi Hospital in Singapore from it's founding as British military barracks, to Japanese Imperial Forces headquarters during the invasion of Singapore in World War II... and finally to a public hospital in the second half of the 1900's. Now of course, it's abandoned... and supposedly very haunted. We'll see.

Currently, we're editing an intro montage using old archival footages. Then we plan to do some interviews with people who worked in the hospital, or have had experiences there. We've also got an interview lined up with a POW survivor during the Japanese occupation! Should be interesting. Then we hope to film inside Old Changi Hospital -- at least one day and one night. Currently seeking official permission. Anyhow...

We'll be posting updates as the project continues... Stay tuned!


Thanks for posting on the Haunted Changi blog... Please come back for updates in the near future!

You can also JOIN the Haunted Changi FACEBOOK GROUP or email us if you would like to be notified of future announcements about the MOVIE!